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Driver handing police officer license in car

What to Do If You're Pulled Over While Driving in a Different State

Summer is the perfect time for travel. As with driving in your home state, you do run the risk of being stopped by the police, whether it's for breaking traffic laws or for DUI. Getting charged with a DUI can be stressful, especially if you’re from out of state and are unfamiliar with the local laws and procedures. If you are traveling out of state this season for work or vacation, it’s best to know what to do if you’re pulled over while driving to help protect your rights.

Stay Calm and Be Respectful

Remain calm. When you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror, carefully signal your intent and pull over to a safe spot on the side of the road. When the officer approaches your vehicle, greet them politely and respectfully. It's important to remember that being confrontational or argumentative will not improve the situation and could lead to additional problems.

Follow all instructions and provide the police with any documentation they request, including your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance.

Understand Your Rights

While it's crucial to cooperate with the officer, you should also be aware of your rights as a driver. If you believe your rights have been violated or the traffic stop is unjust, remain respectful and comply with the officer's requests. However, following an arrest or traffic stop, document the situation as best as possible to ensure you have a clear picture of what happened when you consult with an attorney once the encounter has concluded.

How This Affects Your License in Your Home State

Iowa is a member of the Drivers License Compact (DLC). If you are arrested in Iowa, they will share information regarding your driving-related arrest or conviction with your home state. If you are from Iowa and have a valid driver’s license in Iowa, if you are arrested in one of the 44 states entered into the DLC, Iowa will be notified of your arrest or conviction, which can cause you to pay fines, appear in court, or have your license suspended, depending on the ticket or arrest.

Speak to an Experienced Attorney

Having to appear in court or fight convictions in another state can be a headache, especially if you don’t live nearby. If you are arrested in another state this summer, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible. The team at Hope Law Firm has helped many clients fight for their rights following a DUI. We understand how difficult it can be and will do everything in our power to protect your legal rights and freedom.

Contact us at (515) 298-5056 or visit us online to schedule a free consultation.
